At least, those are your thoughts about the press coverage of the 2016 election. When asked If the media is playing fair to both candidates, Daily Voice readers gave a resounding and wholehearted "NO!"
Seventy-five percent believe the media has been bias in its reporting on the Republican and Democratic candidates with the majority saying it's been too "for" Hillary Clinton and too "against" Donald J. Trump.
Only 25 percent believe the media has (so far) been fair.
A host of comments believe journalists have always been "left wing bias" but, according to one reader, have now "crossed over to full fledge advocacy for criminal Hillary."
Still another wrote: "Trump is getting screwed by the ultra liberal left wing media and Clinton gets a pass all the time."
Not true, according to an additional comment: "The media reports what the candidates say (and that is their job)," he wrote. "When one candidate makes outrageous statements on a daily basis, the media reports on a daily basis. It is extremely important to remember – words carry weight, and a candidate for the office of President of the United States is responsible for what he or she says and what people understand."
Only one person asked about Libertarian Party Candidate Gary Johnson, saying "Johnson hasn't said anything nasty about Trump or Clinton or anyone else. Is that why he is being ignored?"
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