

Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan
Introduction To Acupuncture, Mini Sessions Set In New Canaan Acupuncturist Casey Potetz, MS LAc. will present Introduction to Acupuncture in New Canaan. The event at Halo Fitness on Thursday, Sept. 12 is a chance to hear about the mechanisms of acupuncture, and receive a mini-session to experience its calming and restorative benefits. Potetz hails from Hartford County and moved back to New Canaan from Hawaii last year where she received her master of science in Oriental medicine. She practices acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine along with a variety of clinical healing techniques including cupping, nutritional counseling, and electro-stimulation…
Understanding Pain Management: Techniques And Treatments Understanding Pain Management: Techniques And Treatments
Understanding Pain Management: Techniques And Treatments Pain management is designed to treat chronic pain and allows a person to live a full, enjoyable life. Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than three to six months or pain beyond the point of tissue healing. Some forms of chronic pain can be linked to an identifiable cause, such as degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis. Other forms have no clear cause, such as fibromyalgia or nerve pain. Fighting chronic pain is a lifelong struggle for many. With an accurate diagnosis and early intervention, we hope to help patients avoid a state of chronic pain, or at least reduce …