John Jay, Harrison Face Off In Week 2 Football Game

CROSS RIVER. N.Y. — After John Jay-Cross River opened its football season with a convincing win over Tappan Zee, the Indians immediately shifted their focus to Harrison.

John Jay hosts undefeated Harrison on Friday for a 7 p.m. game. Last year, John Jay rallied in the second half to win at Harrison.

“As we prepare for our game with Harrison, our main focus is definitely stopping their powerful running game,” quarterback/safety Tyler Keech said. “Defending the triple option is difficult and takes time, both watching film and practicing reads and keys. With Harrison’s many capable running backs, we can never take a break on defense knowing they can come at us from many different angles.”

Harrison ground out a 30-20 win over White Plains last week as the Huskies stuck to the running game, chewing up yardage in the second half.

John Jay’s rapid offense was in mid-season form against Tappan Zee last week.

“Our tempo was outstanding and a major factor in our success,” Keech said. “We were able to run plays as the whistle blew and that caused the opposing team to tire.”

This will be John Jay’s home opener and one of only three home games so the Indians want to capitalize on it.

“This game is important to us because even though it is still early in the season, it could mean the difference between league champs and also home-field advantage come playoffs,” Keech said.

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