LEWISBORO, N.Y. – The Town of Lewisboro swore in its newly elected officials – including District 2 County Legislator Peter Harckham – at a packed inauguration ceremony held New Year’s Day at the Lewisboro Library.

More than 60 friends, relatives and area officials were on hand to see Supervisor Peter Parsons, Council members Dan Welsh and John Pappalardo, Town Clerk Kathy Cory, Highway Superintendent Peter Ripperger and Town Justice Susan Simon sworn in.

Reverend Dr. Chip Andrus of the South Salem Presbyterian Church gave the invocation. Town Justice Marc A. Seedorf swore in Harckham, Simon, Cory and Pappalardo, while Simon swore in Welsh, Ripperger and Parsons.

Harckham, who is about to embark on this third term as a county legislator, said he was excited about the ceremony and was ready to hit the ground running.

“It’s always exciting and energizing,” he said. “We have to prove ourselves every term and can’t rest on our laurels. I’m anxious to get going.”

Harckham said he was reappointed to his post as majority leader for his coming term, a position he has held for the past year

Parsons addressed the crowd, saying that he hopes to unite the community to make Lewisboro a better place to live. He said he wants to encourage people to get involved in the town on any level.

“I believe that communities work better when each of us cares about each other and that happens when we are active in our hamlets and our town,” he said. “So I ask everyone to get involved. Join your firehouse or the ambulance corps. Coach a sport. Sing in a choir. Create beauty with the Garden Club. Play in a music group. Volunteer in your school, church or synagogue or even a town committee. Create a new group or club.”

He added, “In simple terms, be involved and get to you know your neighbors.”  

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