Duffy Earns Right To Seek Nomination in Lewisboro

LEWISBORO – Town Supervisor Charles Duffy will be able to challenge for the Independence Party nomination during the September primaries through a write-in campaign.

Duffy and his slate of candidates earned that right last week by filing Opportunity to Ballot petitions with the Westchester County Board of Elections containing the signatures of 64 Independence Party voters, triple the number required by state law.  

Duffy, a Republican, received the Independence Party nomination when he first ran two years ago. However, this year that nod went to his Democratic challenger Peter Parsons and his slate of candidates, who also received the Working Families Party nomination.

Duffy, who is seeking to become the first incumbent Lewisboro supervisor re-elected in 10 years, said he knows winning the nomination through a write-in campaign will be an uphill battle, but believes the voters should have a choice.

“We believe that it is important to give members of the Independence Party the opportunity to decide on who their candidates will be,” he said.

Duffy's team was required under the election law to delay collecting signatures until June 28, three weeks after the Democrats were authorized to begin collecting theirs.  Duffy said that presented a challenge since by then many residents were away on summer vacation and the Democratic candidates had already collected the required number of signatures from Independence Party members, who were prohibited from signing more than one petition.

However, Duffy said he became very encouraged by the enthusiasm and support he received going door-to-door and hosting a reception for Independence Party members.

Duffy’s running mates, known collectively as Team Lewisboro, include Town Board candidates Rhea Mallett and current Councilman John Pappalardo, along with Town Clerk Kathy Cory and former three-term Highway Superintendent Steve Hill.

"Team Lewisboro represents three political parties and, like us, the Independence Party voters we have met during this process agree that partisan politics are not productive at a local level," Duffy said. 

Primary Day is Sept. 13.


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