Letter: Had Enough With The Survey Bullies

GOLDENS BRIDGE, N.Y. — The Lewisboro Daily Voice accepts signed, original letters to the editor. To submit your letter, e-mail

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To the Editor:

Survey mania?  It has hit breaking point for most of us, hasn’t it?

If you purchase something online, you’ll get a survey asking how the web experience was.  Days later, you will get another asking you to rate the product.

Take your car in for care?  You’ll get a phone survey or web survey asking how the waiting room was, how long you waited, and so on.

Called your cell phone carrier?  First you’ll get an email repeating what you discussed, followed by a survey.

Spoke to your insurance carrier?  “Will you please hold for a brief survey?”

Buy something at the chain store and the clerk will circle a website on the receipt and say, “If you take this brief survey online, you’ll be eligible to win a $5,000 shopping spree.”

I had finally had it yesterday.  After working on my website a few days ago, I got an e-mail asking if everything was okay from the web hosting company, followed by an e-mail for the survey, followed by a thank you.  I simply haven’t time to fill out all the surveys anymore, so I skipped it.  So, I got an e-mail a few days later saying, “We sent you a survey and you didn’t fill it out… is everything okay?”   And another: “We need you to help us improve our services, please fill out the survey…”

Note to businesses:  enough!  The backlash from consumers is coming any minute now.  What was a good idea has become worse than spam – we trusted you not to jam our inboxes when we gave you our e-mails.  No, we don’t want to fill out any more surveys!

We know what this really is about, OK?  It isn’t about improving services – well, maybe a little part of it is – but mostly, it is about leading us back to your websites so we will provide more information about ourselves so you can market more goods to us and thus send us all more surveys.

Dana Ramos

Goldens Bridge

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