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Northern Westchester Hospital's Hip Surgery Leaves Painkillers Behind

MOUNT KISCO, N.Y. -- Undergoing a surgery can be a major disruption to everyday life. Missing work, school and requiring weeks of medication can often be enough to discourage even the most pain-affected person to put off a procedure. 

That's exactly why Ian, a patient at Northern Westchester Hospital, had avoided a long-overdue hip replacement. "I needed hip replacement because I was in unrelenting pain, [but] had put off having surgery for many years," he said. However, after meeting with Dr. Eric Grossman of Northern Westchester Hospital's Orthopedic and Spine Institute to discuss an innovative anterior hip replacement, Ian decided to undergo the procedure.

The anterior hip replacement approach at Northern Westchester Hospital is minimally invasive and designed to alleviate pain while avoiding large incisions, scars and lengthy recovery times. During Ian's surgery, Grossman created three- and four-inch incisions in the front of the hip joint, which allowed muscular tendons to remain attached. When doctors leave these important areas untouched, recovery is often a faster, easier process than in traditional surgery.

In fact, after his operation, Ian was virtually pain-free. "I felt no pain after the operation," he said. "I really didn't need any of the [pain] medication, and [that] gave me a great deal of confidence."

When opting for a surgery of any kind, it's important to select doctors and staff who are properly trained in the most current procedures. That's exactly why Ian chose the Orthopedic and Spine Institute at Northern Westchester Hospital. "I highly recommend Dr. Grossman and Northern Westchester Hospital," he said. "I'm thrilled with the results."

Watch Ian's full story in the video above.

To learn more about the anterior approach to hip replacement, contact Northern Westchester Hospital at (914)-666-1499.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Northern Westchester Hospital. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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