Incumbents Sweep Greenburgh Town Elections

GREENBURGH, N.Y. – No surprises arose in the 2011 Greenburgh elections as incumbent Town Supervisor Paul Feiner and current Town Clerk Judith Beville were among the winners Tuesday evening.

Feiner, a Democrat, kept his uncontested supervisor seat, and will soon begin his 21st year in office. While some residents criticize the tax cap burden and the way the town's money is spent, he said that he pledges to increase the town's revenue and concentrate on projects that will benefit the town.

“I’m just as excited as I was for my first term,” Feiner said. “The job never gets boring, there’s so much to do.” He added, that the town is now moving in the right direction financially. “I’m really pleased, I really feel like we’re making a difference in people’s lives,” he said.

The town clerk position was won by the Democrat Beville, who defeated Independence candidate Sherron Fantauzzi, 84 percent to 16 percent, respectively, with 90 percent of districts reporting. Beville said she looks to continue planning and carrying out events to make the town a richer and more culturally diverse place. She also expects to save the town money with less staff, as she did during her last term.

Current councilman Kevin Morgan, a Democrat, and incoming councilman Ken Jones, also a Democrat, were winners who ran unopposed. Morgan has said he intends to continue on as a liaison between the town and villages, as well as for the police department, the department of public works, and the conservation advisory council. New inductee Jones wants to consolidate the town's spending, and possibly allow town board feedback from officials at town board meetings.

The town justice election received a shakeup, although not different from the Democratic primary. Three seats were up for election. Arlene Gordon-Oliver was the only incumbent to keep her seat. With 90 percent of districts reporting Tuesday night, she garnered 26 percent of the vote and challengers Walter Rivera and Delores Brathwaite, who also clinched the primary, will fill the remaining seats with 32 and 33 percent, respectively. Challenger Bonnie Orden fell short with just 9 percent of the vote.

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