
Siena College Research Institute

Trump Trial: New Poll Reveals How NYers Feel About Hush Money Case Trump Trial: New Poll Reveals How NYers Feel About Hush Money Case
Trump Trial: New Poll Reveals How NYers Feel About Hush Money Case As the first day of testimony wrapped up in former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial, new polling showed that a majority of New Yorkers consider the prosecution warranted. A Siena College Research Institute poll released Monday, April 22, showed that 54 percent of respondents said the trial is “legitimate,” while 30 percent saw the prosecution as a meritless “witch hunt.” Broken down by party, 77 percent of Democrats and 44 percent of independents called the proceedings a “legitimate trial to determine whether Trump is or is not guilty of criminal behavior.” Meanwhile, 66 percent of …
Some Pundits Now Project Sean Patrick Maloney Will Be First DCCC Chair To Lose Seat In 40 Years Some Pundits Now Project Sean Patrick Maloney Will Be First DCCC Chair To Lose Seat In 40 Years
Some Pundits Now Project Sean Patrick Maloney Will Be First Dccc Chair To Lose Seat In 40 Years As Democrats across the country brace for what many political pundits say could be a great night for Republicans,  five-term New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is facing a tough battle to win the newly drawn 17th District. Maloney, who has served as chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) since 2021, trailed his Republican opponent, Assemblyman Mike Lawler, by six points, 46 to 52 percent, in one poll taken in late October 2022, Forbes reports.  In the weeks leading up to the election, Cook Political Report changed its rating on the 17th District race from “lean Dem…
New Poll Released For Heated Race In Congressional District Representing Parts Of Region New Poll Released For Heated Race In Congressional District Representing Parts Of Region
New Poll Released For Heated Race In Congressional District Representing Parts Of Region As Election Day draws closer, new polling continues to show a close race in New York’s new 19th Congressional District. Democrat Josh Riley holds a slight edge over his Republican opponent, Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro, 48 to 43 percent, according to a Siena College poll released Friday, Nov. 4. Earlier Report: Siena Poll Sheds Light On Race In New Congressional District Covering Part Of Capital Region The results mirror a Siena College poll conducted in early October 2022 that showed Riley leading Molinaro by five percentage points, 46 to 41 percent. The 19th Congressional D…
New Poll Reveals Percentages Of NYers Squeezed by Gas Prices, Hit By Food Costs New Poll Reveals Percentages Of NYers Squeezed by Gas Prices, Hit By Food Costs
New Poll Reveals Percentages Of NYers Squeezed by Gas Prices, Hit By Food Costs If you’ve been feeling the pinch at the gas pump or grocery store lately, you’re not alone, according to a new poll from the Siena College Research Institute (SCRI). Pollsters found that 69 percent of New Yorkers said that current gasoline prices are having a very serious or somewhat serious impact on their financial condition.  That’s up from 66 percent last quarter. And even more New Yorkers reported feeling burdened by the cost of groceries, with 80 percent of respondents saying that the amount of money they spend on food is having either a very serious or somewhat serious impact …
Hochul Sees Big Change In Popularity In Brand-New Statewide Poll Hochul Sees Big Change In Popularity In Brand-New Statewide Poll
Hochul Sees Big Change In Popularity In Brand-New Statewide Poll Support for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is waning on both sides of the aisle amid talks that her predecessor could make a run at her seat, according to a new poll. The Siena College Research Institute released the results of its latest poll, which found that Hochul’s performance rating is the worst it’s ever been, down nearly 20 percent since the beginning of the year. “(The rating) is 21 points underwater, after being 11 points underwater last month and just two points underwater at the start of the year,” Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg stated. “As they have all year, Republicans g…
Here Are Adjustments NYers Are Making In Response To Inflation, New Poll Reveals Here Are Adjustments NYers Are Making In Response To Inflation, New Poll Reveals
Here Are Adjustments NYers Are Making In Response To Inflation, New Poll Reveals Researchers have reported the findings of a new poll about the adjustments New Yorkers plan to make to their lifestyles in response to inflation. The Siena College Research Institute published the findings of an economic impact survey conducted in March. Researchers found that 26 percent of respondents said inflation is having a very negative effect on their personal finances, and 44 percent said it is having a somewhat negative effect. Eighty-seven percent of respondents reported that they are concerned about the cost of food in light of economic conditions and the war in Ukraine, and 80 …
New National Poll Shows Areas Where Americans Are United, Divided New National Poll Shows Areas Where Americans Are United, Divided
New National Poll Shows Areas Where Americans Are United, Divided A large national study has tackled questions about what issues divide Americans and what values they share. The study, conducted by the Siena College Research Institute, surveyed 6,077 Americans about issues including whether they believe much of the mainstream media is fake, vote choice and more.  Researchers found that Americans are divided on a number of issues, including voting rights, a path to citizenship, assault weapons and abortion. Researchers said 61 percent of respondents said they support a federal ban on assault weapons, and 63 percent said they support providing a …
COVID-19: New Poll Reveals Outlook On Economy From Chambers Of Commerce Leaders Nationwide COVID-19: New Poll Reveals Outlook On Economy From Chambers Of Commerce Leaders Nationwide
Covid-19: New Poll Reveals Outlook On Economy From Chambers Of Commerce Leaders Nationwide Although 90 percent of Chamber of Commerce executives said that business conditions in their municipalities have worsened, only 55 percent expect improvement before the end of 2021, according to a new poll by the Siena College Research Institute. According to the poll, which surveyed 796 chamber of commerce members throughout the country over the course of August, 32 percent of executives felt that business conditons in their districts would deteriorate even further than they already have amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  Sixty-one percent of those polled reported that their chamber'…
COVID-19: Poll Reveals Percentage Of NYers Who Are Comfortable Going To Restaurants, Bars, Gyms COVID-19: Poll Reveals Percentage Of NYers Who Are Comfortable Going To Restaurants, Bars, Gyms
Covid-19: Poll Reveals Percentage Of NYers Who Are Comfortable Going To Restaurants, Bars, Gyms New York residents are reluctant to return to several  indoor activities, including indoor dining and going to the gym, according to a brand-new poll. The Siena College Research Institute statewide poll was conducted Thursday, Aug. 20 through Thursday, Aug. 27 by random telephone calls to 343 adults via landline and cell phones and 402 responses drawn from a proprietary panel of New Yorkers. Majorities of those polled are not comfortable dining inside restaurants (58 percent), going to the gym (70 percent), theater (73 percent), bowling alley (65 percent) or bar (72 percent)…
COVID-19: Here's Percentage Of NYers Who Say Worst Of Pandemic Still To Come COVID-19: Here's Percentage Of NYers Who Say Worst Of Pandemic Still To Come
Covid-19: Here's Percentage Of NYers Who Say Worst Of Pandemic Still To Come Though New York and Connecticut have been at the forefront in combating the COVID-19 outbreak, a majority of New Yorkers believe that the worst is still to come regarding the pandemic, according to a new poll. The Siena College Research Institute released the results of a new study that found that 62 percent of respondents believe that the worst of the pandemic has yet to hit, with a second wave likely hitting by the fall. Comparatively, just 27 percent of those polled said that they believe the worst is over. Pollsters found that 70 percent of respondents said they hope the government pri…
COVID-19: Here's How Many Say They'll Go To Sports, Concerts, Broadway If Open In September COVID-19: Here's How Many Say They'll Go To Sports, Concerts, Broadway If Open In September
Covid-19: Here's How Many Say They'll Go To Sports, Concerts, Broadway If Open In September Some previous attendees will not head to the ballpark, concerts, or Broadway shows if they reopen in September amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to a new poll. The Siena College Research Institute and New York Times released a new poll that found many Americans are unwilling to engage in large social gatherings unless certain safeguards are put in place. According to the poll, which was administered between Sunday, May 17, and Thursday, May 21, many expressed wariness of attending live events if they were to resume at or around Sept. 1. The poll involved 796 voters,…
COVID-19: Pandemic Pushes Cuomo To Record-High Approval Ratings According To New Poll COVID-19: Pandemic Pushes Cuomo To Record-High Approval Ratings According To New Poll
Covid-19: Pandemic Pushes Cuomo To Record-High Approval Ratings According To New Poll New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s deft handling of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has drawn positive reviews and led to record-high approval ratings, including among Republicans, according to a new poll by the Siena College Research Institute. Cuomo’s favorability rating has risen to 77 percent, up from 71 percent last month, which marks his highest ever rating, which he last hit in February 2011. His job performance rating is up 8 percent, to 71, also a high mark for the governor. The poll also found that by a 78 to 16 percent margin, voters said they trust Cuomo over President Donal…
COVID-19: Here's Latest Rundown Of New, Total Cases In Dutchess COVID-19: Here's Latest Rundown Of New, Total Cases In Dutchess
Covid-19: Here's Latest Rundown Of New, Total Cases In Dutchess COVID-19: Daily Voice's Interactive Map Of NYC Metro Area Cases Most New Yorkers expect poor business conditions when the state is finally on the other side of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to a new poll. The New York State Index of Consumer Sentiment sits at 66.4 percent in the first quarter of 2020, down 26.6 points from the fourth quarter of 2019, according to the newest poll by the Siena College Research Institute (SCRI). In New York, the overall Index of Consumer Sentiment is 22.7 points below the nation’s Index of 89.1 points. All three indexes for New Yor…
Presidents' Day Survey: Here's Who Scholars Rate No. 1, Where Trump Ranks Presidents' Day Survey: Here's Who Scholars Rate No. 1, Where Trump Ranks
Presidents' Day Survey: Here's Who Scholars Rate No. 1, Where Trump Ranks Who is the only president ranked among the Top Five of all time who does not have a 60-foot sculpture of his head on Mount Rushmore?If you guess Franklin D. Roosevelt, you are correct. At least according to the Siena College Research Institute’s (SCRI) Survey of U.S. Presidents, which was released just in time for Presidents Day on Monday, Feb. 18. Mount Rushmore features (from left), No. 1-ranked George Washington, No. 5 Thomas Jefferson, No. 4 Theodore Roosevelt and No. 3 Abraham Lincoln. FDR is ranked No. 2 in the Siena survey and took office as president in 1933, six years af…
Vote Now: Here's What New Yorkers Think About Fruitcake - How About You? Vote Now: Here's What New Yorkers Think About Fruitcake - How About You?
Vote Now: Here's What New Yorkers Think About Fruitcake - How About You? If you’re not the biggest fan of fruitcake, you’re not alone.  A new poll conducted by the Siena College Research Institute has revealed a number of holiday-based statistics, and the stat surrounding the quirky seasonal dessert really takes the cake. According to the survey, only one-third of New Yorkers polled enjoy fruitcake. But here’s the catch: half of those aged 65 and older say it’s a delicious treat. On the other hand, about 44 percent of New Yorkers, and more than half of those between the ages of 35 and 64, say that they think fruitcake is disgusting and would never eat it. …
NY State Consumer Sentiment Up, New Siena Poll Shows NY State Consumer Sentiment Up, New Siena Poll Shows
NY State Consumer Sentiment Up, New Siena Poll Shows Are you ready to shop until you drop? Are you worrying less about finances?  What do state residents think about food and gasoline prices? According to a new Siena College Research Institute (SCRI) public opinion poll, consumer sentiment is up by more than four percentage points this year through September. That's the highest level measured in consumer confidence since March 2017, according to Siena. The new poll also found: Rising confidence numbers are driven by "iIncreasing future optimism." New Yorkers nearly match the rest of the nation with "strong expectations"…
New Siena Poll Gives Early Look At How Cuomo-Molinaro Race Stands Now New Siena Poll Gives Early Look At How Cuomo-Molinaro Race Stands Now
New Siena Poll Gives Early Look At How Cuomo-Molinaro Race Stands Now A new Siena College Research Institute Poll indicates how the race between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Republican challenger Marc Molinaro could become closer if Democratic primary loser Cynthia Nixon remains on a third-party ballot line. In the latest poll released on Monday, Oct. 1, Siena found that Cuomo, a Democrat seeking a third-term, leads Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro by 50 to 28 percent.  But the same poll found that Nixon, who lost to Cuomo in the Sept. 13 primary election, could still drew 10 percent of the statewide vote if her name remains on the Working Families Party line…
New Yorkers Feeling More Confident About Spending Money, Poll Shows New Yorkers Feeling More Confident About Spending Money, Poll Shows
New Yorkers Feeling More Confident About Spending Money, Poll Shows A new poll by Siena College Research Institute discovered that New Yorkers are feeling more confident about spending money. The public-opinion survey from the second quarter of 2018 found that New York residents plan to buy motor vehicles, electronics and furniture more than they had in the previous three months. However, their spending plans dipped for home improvements. “For the 15th consecutive quarter, consumer sentiment across New York state is well above the optimism/pessimism breakeven point," said Douglas A. Lonnstrom, professor of statistics and finance and SCRI founding direc…
More Than Half Of NYers Personally Touched By Opioid Abuse, Poll Finds More Than Half Of NYers Personally Touched By Opioid Abuse, Poll Finds
More Than Half Of NYers Personally Touched By Opioid Abuse, Poll Finds Nearly one of every four New Yorkers personally know of someone, a family member, friend or acquaintance that has died due to an opioid overdose, according to a new Siena College poll. After measuring those who have an immediate or extended family member -- or someone they know through work -- who has abused opioids, 54 percent have been touched by the epidemic involving painkillers, the poll found.  Eighty percent of state residents agree that our country is in the middle of an opioid crisis and 83 percent think the problem of opioid abuse has gotten worse over the past few years.  A vast…