Westchester Residents Rush to File Tax Returns

NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. – If it wasn’t for the last minute, nothing would get done. At least that’s how some people look at the last day to file tax returns.

“I wait until the last minute for most things,” said New Rochelle resident Rick Platt shortly after filing his tax return at the New Rochelle Post Office in Wykagyl. “It’s an unfortunate thing because I have a lot of catching up to do. It seems like every year that I am filing for an extension.”

The post office in the Wykagyl section had stragglers coming in before it closed to make sure that their taxes were filed with the government. Platt said that the best part about filing at this particular post office was there wasn’t much of a waiting line. Cerry DeCiutiis, a New York City resident, filed her tax return today in Westchester while she was here visiting friends. DeCiutiis said that she does everything at the last minute and her tax return is just part of that.

“In New York City you see people frantically filling out their returns at any post office but it’s easier to file” in Westchester since the lines are shorter, DeCiutiis said. “I don’t get stressed out about it.”

But some people do face some extra stress around this time of year. Ravi Rao, who owns a business in Harrison, was filing a tax return on Tuesday night.  He said he gets more nervous during this time of year. But one positive for Rao is that he met Platt while waiting on line at the post office who he got to share his stressful experience with.

“When you see others waiting on line with you it makes you feel good because you are not the only one who is doing it at the last minute,” Platt said. “It’s nice to see there are others in that boat with you.”

And also in that “boat” is New Rochelle resident Andrew Micek who said he files his tax return on the last day 2/3 of the time. Micek said the reason for this is he has “other things going on.”

“I just don’t want to get any penalties,” Micek said.

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