In-Depth Coverage of Hen Hud Bond

MONTROSE, N.Y. – The debate surrounding Hendrick Hudson School District’s $25.1 million bond referendum will soon come to a close, the vote on the bond takes place in less than one week at Frank G. Lindsey Elementary.

Readers can follow The Daily Cortlandt’s in-depth coverage of the bond issue here, as we have rounded up every article written about the topic since September. The scope of the bond has varied over the life of the debate. Letters to the editor are available in our “Opinions” tab, near the top of our website.

The proposal going to vote will ask taxpayers if they want to finance $25.1 million in capital projects throughout the district, including an $11.2 million stand-alone performing arts center next door to the high school, upgraded science facilities, synthetic turf athletic fields, and some infrastructure repairs.

A portion of the financing will come from the a recent settlement with Peekskill’s Wheelabrator RESCO facility, which will bring an addition $12.5 million into the district over the next 23 years. Although the money from the settlement has been earmarked to offset costs, and will reduce taxpayers’ payments should the bond be passed, taxpayers would still be liable for the entire $25.1 million over the next 20 years.

Voting will be held from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the school’s gym. Absentee ballots are available at the district office, but they can no longer be mailed in, and must be dropped off in person before Dec. 14.


Public Hearing This article describes the public hearing held one week before the bond referendum will go to vote, on Wednesday, Dec. 14. The public hearing was contentious, as it was the first hearing to be held after a “Soundings” was mailed district-wide.

Fraud Accusations A taxpayer group, “Taxpayers for Good and Common Cents,” felt the district was not representing the whole truth about the bond, and sent a nine page letter to district officials outlining their complaints.


RESCO Settlement This article details how the RESCO settlement, which has been earmarked to offset bond costs.


Proposal Approval Over the history of the bond, projects and additions have been made. This article details the cost of the bond before the district earmarked the RESCO settlement to offset the cost of the bond.

Seniors Rail Against Bond A group of frustrated seniors confronted the board in early October.

Supporters Surface for Hen Hud Bond School District spokesman, Rick McCormack, describes what he considered a positive meeting for the bond's prospects of passing.


Community Presentation The original presentation of the bond to the community, in mid-September.

Bond Improvements to Hendrick Hudson High School This article details parts of Hendrick Hudson High School which would be altered by the bond.

Bond Improvements to Blue Mountain Middle School This article details parts of Blue Mountain Middle School which would be altered by the bond.


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