Hendrick Hudson High School Designated Safe Sports School

MONTROSE, N.Y. -- The National Athletic Trainers' Association honored Hendrick Hudson High School with the Safe Sports School award. 

Members of the Hendrick Hudson Varsity Girls basketball team with Athletic Director Thomas Baker, Athletic Trainer Meg Greiner, and coaches Ken Sherman and Meghan Boyle celebrate the school’s designation as a Safe Sports School by NATA.

Members of the Hendrick Hudson Varsity Girls basketball team with Athletic Director Thomas Baker, Athletic Trainer Meg Greiner, and coaches Ken Sherman and Meghan Boyle celebrate the school’s designation as a Safe Sports School by NATA.

Photo Credit: Contributed

“Hendrick Hudson is honored to receive this recognition from NATA, and we remain committed to keeping our student athletes safe during physical education classes, team practices and games so they can accomplish their own goals of great competition, winning records, fair sportsmanship and good health,” said Thomas Baker, Director of Physical Education, Health, and Athletics. “Our goal is to lead our athletics program to the highest safety standards for our players.”

The award recognizes secondary schools that offer a safe environment, policies and practices for their student athletes and provide appropriate care to prevent, manage and treat injuries.

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