Scaredy Cats (And Dogs) Benefit from Calm Behavior

CROTON-ON-HUDSON, N.Y.-- The summer, and especially July, is a season of thunderstorms and fireworks, both noisy and beautiful spectacles that can be torture for some pets. Pets that are afraid of loud noises and cower under the couch or beg for their owner are not uncommon, according to Dr. Carol Popolow, of the Croton Animal Hospital.

“The key to getting a dog over a thunderstorm or firework fear,” said Popolow, “is way before thunderstorms or fireworks start.” Introducing these noises, in mild doses, to your pets is the best way to start desensitizing them to the shock of thunderclaps or the Fourth of July. There are products with fireworks and thunderstorm noises on the market to help start desensitizing your pet ahead of time.

Pet phobias may slip your mind until the last minute before the fireworks. The best way to help your dog conquer a phobia is not to coddle the pet during the event, but to act naturally, and behave normally. “Soothing the dog,” said Popolow, “can inadvertently reinforce anxious behavior. Ignore the dog if he’s whiney or anxious.”

Other ways to soothe your pets' fears are to muffle the sounds, or “create a safe haven,” said Popolow, "a place where there are “not a low of windows, get the dog used to going down there.” Using air conditioners, mild music or television may help muffle the sounds of the thunderclaps or fireworks. There are even “thunder capes,” and “calming caps” available for animals who are irritated by the static electricity caused by a thunderstorm.

For those animals whose fears simply cannot be calmed, and who are destructive to themselves or property during these events, there are anti-anxiety medications available through the veterinarian. There are also veterinarians who specialize in animal behavior that may be able to help. Desensitizing your pet and showing the dog, or cat, “calm behavior,” are the most effective treatments, according to Popolow.

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