Kane Blasts Testa On County Attendance Record

PEEKSKILL, NY -- District 1 County Legislator Candidate Mike Kane said Saturday his opponent, incumbent John Testa, has not kept up with duties as legislator.

Kane, a Democrat, called a press conference Saturday morning on Main Street where he accused Republican Testa of missing 41 Westchester County Board of Legislators meetings. That includes 23 community service meetings, four board of legislators meetings, eight appointment meetings and six environment and energy meetings. The list of meetings is shown in the photo gallery to the right.

"Recently he referred to himself as the hardest working legislator in Westchester," Kane said. "I wholeheartedly disagree with this. In these times when regular employees are subject to termination, if you don't show up to your job as a dishwasher or doctor, nurse you'd be fired."

Kane was especially critical of Testa for missing the environmental and energy meetings because he said the district as hit heard by Hurricane Irene.

"John didn't have time to go to the meetings and let them know how his district was affected by it," Kane said. "Instead of running for re-election I think he should resign on his attendance record alone."

When asked if Testa's job as a Peekskill High School teacher might explain why he missed some of the meetings, he said that was no excuse.

"If he accepted the nomination then he took the responsibility on of being at those meetings," Kane said.

Kane said he would not miss any meetings if elected to the position, which he said pays about $47,000 a year.

When asked about the accusations Testa said that Kane had taken his record out of context, saying that he was often carrying out his functions as a legislator instead of going to meetings and said that he was informed of everything that went on at the meetings he didn't attend and never missed a voting meeting.

The legislator also said he was able to watch the meetings online on the county website. He also said Kane misquoted him concerning the hardest working legislator quote. 

Testa said that he continues to deliver for his constituents as evidenced by the Main Street renovation grant he said he recently helped secure through the legislature. He said Kane's accusations were just an election year stunt.

"This is a difficult election year and this is a grasping at straws gimmick from a person who has absolutely no knowledge of understanding of the issues of county government," Testa said.







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