Emotional Memorial Day Ceremony at Montrose VA

MONTROSE, N.Y. - Patients, nurses, and leadership of veterans' organizations gathered at the Montrose Veterans Affairs hospital Wednesday morning to honor those who had fallen during military service, at an event held before the Memorial Day weekend.

"For some Americans, this holiday has lost its meaning," said Donald Smith, Putnam County Sheriff and a retired Army brigadier general. "We don’t begrudge them, but we do want everyone in this country to stop, to pay tribute, to say we're a grateful nation," he said.

The small room was filled with more than 60 attendees. Patients and VA employees solemnly sang the national anthem, some in wheel chairs, and others with walkers or  canes - a necessity not from age, but wounds.

"It's about an empty seat at the dinner table, not just on holidays but every day," said Smith. He said that while Memorial Day is a time to remember and reflect on those who did not return from combat, being at the VA reminded him that the holiday should also be about healing. And "helping a new generation of wounded warriors," many coming back with traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Vito Pinto, a Vietnam veteran and chairman of the Veterans Service Agency and Office of Drug Prevention, said about fallen soldiers, "They gave their tomorrow so we can have our today."

Memorial Day is officially celebrated on May 28, 2012. The Town of Cortlandt will hold a Memorial Day ceremony on Friday, May 25, at 2 p.m.

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