
Newborn Care

What To Expect When You're Expecting During Coronavirus What To Expect When You're Expecting During Coronavirus
What To Expect When You're Expecting During Coronavirus I fell in love with labor and delivery when I was a nursing student. After seeing my first birth, I was hooked. There’s nothing like watching a new mom hear her baby cry for the first time. But I have to admit, when I decided to become an L&D nurse, I wasn’t expecting to do it under these conditions. Even in the best of times, having a baby isn’t easy. On television they make it seem like it’s one push and boom, the baby comes out. But it’s not like that in reality. And that’s part of what I love about it. I get to help empower women to feel like they can do it, even when things get real…
Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers
Why Do Babies Cry? Some Much-Needed Answers Crying is the main way babies express themselves Newborns routinely cry a total of 1-4 hours a day. Crying spells often peak at about 6-8 weeks and then gradually decrease. Reasons babies cry: Hungry Tired Need a diaper change Want to be held Too cold/too warm Overtired/overstimulated Sick Helps them de-stress Sometimes they don’t know why they cry Is it colic? Colic usually follows the rules of 3s: starts around 3 weeks of age and lasts until 3 months of age crying 3 or more hours a day, 3 or more days a week, for 3 or more weeks, in an otherwise healthy infant Crying associated wit…