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Skyrocketing Energy Bill? The Solution May Be Shining Down

NYACK, N.Y. – Customers of Orange and Rockland Utilities have recently seen their monthly gas and electric bills increase by nearly $12 on average, under a rate plan approved by the state Public Service Commission. This development has led many Rockland County residents to explore alternative energy options such as a solar photovoltaic systems.

“By installing a solar electric system today, you guarantee that you won’t pay more for that portion of your electric bill, no matter how high rates climb,” says Douglas Hertz, president of Sunrise Solar Solutions in Briarcliff.

Hertz would know; his firm, Sunrise Solar Solutions, has been selected as both a designated solar residential installer and the designated commercial installer for Solarize Nyack Plus, a community outreach program aimed at bringing affordable solar to Rockland County residents and businesses.

Sunrise Solar Solutions offers this helpful breakdown of the temporary initiatives, tax credits and incentives that can add up to big savings on solar.

Local initiatives

Local solarize campaigns have historically lowered the cost of solar by 10 to 20 percent, by getting a critical mass of area homes and businesses to install solar and obtain competitive pricing from pre-selected installers like Sunrise Solar Solutions. Rockland County residents and businesses who sign up for solar installations by June 30 will be able to take advantage of Solarize Nyack Plus group rates, which are below market prices.

State tax credits and incentives

New York State currently offers a 25 percent tax credit, plus a NYSERDA upfront incentive of about 20 percent of the cost of your system. NY-Sun, Governor Cuomo’s initiative to help protect the environment and lower energy costs for all New Yorkers, offers subsidized financing options as low as 3.49 percent with terms as long as 15 years, often saving you money right from day one.

Federal perks

The 30 percent federal tax credit for solar that was set to expire this year has been extended – for now. Combine that with state credits and incentives, and you can offset more than 65 percent of your costs. And if you purchase your system for cash, you can recoup your costs in four to six years.

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Sunrise Solar Solutions. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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