
Teen Depression

Types Of Mental Health Treatment For Teens And Young Adults Types Of Mental Health Treatment For Teens And Young Adults
Types Of Mental Health Treatment For Teens And Young Adults World Mental Health Day on October 10 is designed to bring awareness to mental health, help reduce stigma around mental health challenges, and provide education on treatment options. Information and support is vital for families in light of the current teen and young adult mental health crisis. Today, one in five teens has a diagnosable mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety. Moreover, many adolescents don’t get the mental health treatment they need. In fact, six out of 10 teens with depression and eight out of 10 teens with anxiety don’t receive treatment. Assessment is the…
Teens And Antidepressants: More Harm Than Good? Teens And Antidepressants: More Harm Than Good?
Teens And Antidepressants: More Harm Than Good? With teen depression on the rise, medication may seem like the easiest and quickest way to treat struggling or suicidal teens. However, the results of these treatments have been mixed, and in some cases, ultimately cause more harm than good.  How Antidepressants Work To some extent, depression and its effects on the brain are a mystery. However, the simplest explanation for how antidepressants work is that they impact the behavior of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters are released to send messages between nerve cells that trigger serotonin, dopamine and norepi…