Hillary Clinton Endorses Latimer, New Castle Democrats

CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. -- One of Chappaqua's most famous residents has made her pick for the town elections.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Photo Credit: Barbara Kinney

Hillary Clinton, who served as Secretary of State and was the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, endorsed the New Castle Democratic slate Friday- Kristen Browde, who is running for supervisor and Ivy Pool and Gail Markels, who are running for town board.

Clinton is also endorsing George Latimer, the Democratic nominee for County Executive. In her statement, she made sure to mention Donald Trump, who defeated her last year.

“I’m proud to join Senators Schumer and Gillibrand in supporting George Latimer for County Executive, who is facing a difficult race against an opponent being funded by some of Donald Trump’s most powerful allies," Clinton said.

Clinton said Democrats need to make sure they get out and vote.

“It’s important that Democrats turn out on Tuesday and vote for Latimer, along with other Democrats running across Westchester, including the wave of New Castle businesswomen, from Kristen Browde for New Castle Town Supervisor to Ivy Pool and Gail Markels for New Castle Town Board,” said Clinton.

The New Castle Democrats said they were proud to accept her endorsement.

“Secretary Clinton is an inspiration to Americans all around the country – and especially here in her hometown. To have her support is an honor of a lifetime. We were with her last November and are proud to say she is with us now,” said Browde, Markels, and Pool in a joint statement.

Supervisor Rob Greenstein, who is running on the Republican line, said he has the utmost respect for Clinton.

“I would ask residents to make their decision next week not based on party affiliation, but instead, on what we've accomplished over the last four years," Greenstein said. 

Latimer said he was honored to receive Clinton's endorsement, calling her a "role model" and "consummate public servant." 

"Even in the face of the same Alt-Right hate and lies we now see in this campaign, she has proven to be a tireless fighter and advocate for all," Latimer said. "We feel especially blessed to have her as a neighbor here in Westchester, and I look forward to serving as County Executive for her family, and every family in the county."

Bill O'Reilly, a spokesman for County Executive Rob Astorino, Latimer's opponent, said Clinton's endorsement was expected.

"We don't take it personally, but we do ask that Mrs. Clinton to speak with George about the five years in property taxes he owes. Westchester school kids need it," O'Reilly said.

A home owned by Latimer's wife owes more than $46,000 in property taxes over the last five years.

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