
Westchester County Airport, West Harrison, NY

Westchester Health Department To Offer Minnows To Reduce Mosquitoes In Backyards Westchester Health Department To Offer Minnows To Reduce Mosquitoes In Backyards
Westchester Health Department To Offer Minnows To Reduce Mosquitoes In Backyards In an effort to keep mosquito populations low in residents' backyards, the Westchester County Department of Health will soon start giving away minnows to put in residential ponds. Officials announced that the minnows will be available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, May 6, and Saturday, May 7, at the  Westchester County Airport, located at 2 Loop Road in West Harrison. The county said minnows eat mosquito larvae. "With their hearty appetites, this baitfish can keep mosquitos from breeding in your pond and biting you in your own backyard," Health Commissioner Sherlita Amler said.…