
Stamen Animal Shelter

Cat Up For Adoption After Being Abandoned By Evicted Tenant In Tuckahoe Cat Up For Adoption After Being Abandoned By Evicted Tenant In Tuckahoe
Cat Up For Adoption After Being Abandoned By Evicted Tenant In Tuckahoe Need a new best friend? The Tuckahoe Police Department and Stamen Animal Shelter in New Rochelle are hoping to unite an abandoned cat with a happy forever home. An evicted resident in Tuckahoe left behind Diamond the cat to fend for itself, the police department posted on Facebook on Monday, July 15. The cat was taken to Stamen Animal Shelter, where it was treated and is currently waiting to be adopted. The 5-year-old indoor cat has one blue eye and one green eye, and his vaccinations are up to date. The police said that he is “extremely friendly.” Diamond is currently residing at the S…