
Region Weather

Topsy-Turvy Stretch Will Feature Near-Record Warmth Then Chance For Sleet, Snow In Some Spots Topsy-Turvy Stretch Will Feature Near-Record Warmth Then Chance For Sleet, Snow In Some Spots
Topsy-Turvy Stretch Will Feature Near-Record Warmth Then Chance For Sleet, Snow In Some Spots A mild air mass could bring near-record warm temperatures for this time of year will be followed just days later by a dip in temperatures with the potential for sleet and snow in parts of the region. Temperatures will top off at around the 60-degree mark on Wednesday, Jan. 4, according to the National Weather Service. (See the image above.) It will be another mostly cloudy day with some peaks of sunshine. As a cold front approaches late in the day, there will be rainfall in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures will fall on Thursday, Jan. 5 with the high temperature between 10 …