
Movie Safety

Police Increase Patrols For Premiere Of 'The Joker' Movie In NY Police Increase Patrols For Premiere Of 'The Joker' Movie In NY
Police Increase Patrols For Premiere Of 'The Joker' Movie In NY Police departments in New York are among several major cities that are ramping up police patrols amid concerns as “The Joker” film opens up nationwide on Thursday night, Oct. 3. Starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arther Fleck, “a man disregarded by society” who slowly transforms into the comic-book madman, police are taking extra precautions to ensure that nothing happens similar to the 2012 Aurora, Colorado shootings during a midnight screen of the Batman film “The Dark Knight.” According to the official synopsis for “The Joker:” “Forever alone in a crowd, failed comedian Arthur Fleck seeks con…