
MacMillan Publishers

Around Westchester Schools: Can Your Kids Make Mousse? Apple Picks Winner, College Top Grads Around Westchester Schools: Can Your Kids Make Mousse? Apple Picks Winner, College Top Grads
Around Westchester Schools: Can Your Kids Make Mousse? Apple Picks Winner, College Top Grads Have you and your children cooked your way through the quarantine? If your kids picked up some cooking chops in their distance learning, here's a chance to help them learn a French favorite. Mettez la main à la pâte ("Get Your Hands Dirty") for children is a virtual class being offered now to teach kids how to make French mousse au Chocolat. The virtual instruction is offered by AFW Westchester, the New York chapter of the Alliance Française, and open to children from beginners to any level French speakers. It's free though a $5 donation to the nonprofit AFW is suggested. Here's more about …