The Cambridge Study Abroad Program, now in its fifteenth year, gives university honors students the chance to spend two weeks at Cambridge University each July. This year, 13 Westchester Community College students studying Liberal Arts, Business, and Nursing were given the chance to spend half a month at the historic college. “The most frequently used term by the returning students about the program is that this experience was ‘life-changing,'" said John Flynn, director of the Cambridge Program. "It combines rigorous academic study with independent travel abroad and the opportunity to meet other students from all over the world.”
Meeting with faculty members teaching either Cambridge Studies in History, Cambridge Studies in Literature or Cambridge Studies in Science in January, the students develop an individual learning plan of activities before, during and after Cambridge. "Our Honors professors at the college let the students know what to expect before flying out of the country," said Flynn.
After arriving at Heathrow Airport in London in late July, students took up residence at Cambridge, taking their breakfast and dinner each day in historic College Hall. In the living and dining facilities, as well as in their classes, the students met other students from all over the world who have come to study at Cambridge. The faculty for these courses and lectures are all from Cambridge University. "We select students at the end of every fall semester and prepare them for a rigorous and all-encompassing experience," said Flynn.
During the two-week program, the students learned about the customs, currency and culture of England, and to help them get accustomed to the foreign country, two Westchester Community College faculty members accompanied the students at Cambridge. "Both the professors and students who were able to experience the Cambridge Program had an amazing experience," said Flynn. "Going into our sixteenth year, we expect the same result."
Competitive scholarships help lower the cost of the program provided by the Westchester Community College Foundation. Students can apply to the 2017 Cambridge Program today by visiting the Westchester Community College website.