Briarcliff Students Return From March On Washington

BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y. – Serena Tauz is back home, but she said she won’t soon forget that she and 23 other students from Briarcliff Manor can “change the world.”

Briarcliff High School students and faculty pose for a photo while in Washington, D.C.

Briarcliff High School students and faculty pose for a photo while in Washington, D.C.

Photo Credit: Photo Courtesy The Briarcliff Manor School District

The high school student recently returned from Washington, D.C., and the Nov. 17 Global Summit on the Lord’s Resistance Army. The two dozen members of Briarcliff High School’s Student Coalition for Human Dignity club and several faculty members made the trip to “make their voices heard to legislators” in Washington and to speak out against LRA terrorist Joseph Kony, according to a press release.

The summit, sponsored by human rights group Invisible Children, included thousands of students from around the country marching on Washington, D.C. The summit was part of the group's MoveDC campaign

Tauz said the experience changed her perspective in a profound way.

“The thing that I took home from the trip was that I could change the world,” she said in a press release. “Invisible Children showed me that anyone can make a difference. If you have the heart, the mind, and the soul, you could accomplish anything.”

Jeanne Claire Cotnoir, Student Coalition For Human Dignity club adviser, said it was important for her and other faculty members that students gain a perspective of global events and that students can make an impact on a larger stage.

“The message of Invisible Children has inspired the students to realize that when we stand for our human rights, we stand for everyone’s human rights and that where you live should not determine if you live,” Cotnoir said in the release. “In the morning, there was a meeting with world leaders to discuss their actions to date and what their next step was to capture Joseph Kony and bring him to trial. In the afternoon, there was a march to the White House, and then we marched to the Washington Monument and heard from Human Rights leaders.”

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