Mayor William J. Vescio announced he has declined to run for re-election in March's upcoming village elections
"I've got other things I need to do and I need the time for them," Vescio said.
During his time as mayor, Vescio helped rebuild Briarcliff's infrastructure, and the village saw a new library and a rebuilt firehouse.
The village was also awarded $19 million as part of the 2009 stimulus package to revamp its drinking water system.
"That had been a problem for the village for decades," Vescio said. "Our potable water supply is now safe and clean."
Vescio also oversaw the writing of many village codes and worked to allow more affordable housing in the village to comply with the county's affordable housing settlement.
Keeping taxes low has also been a priority for Vescio since he took office.
"Two years before I took over, tax increases averaged 8.6 percent," Vescio said. "Since I've been there, tax increases have averaged 2.26 percent. We've imposed our town tax cap prior it to be state mandated."
The village has also reduced its workforce from 80 employees to 70 employees and Vescio believes level of services have increased.
"We've stayed consistent in our goal to deliver quality services in a cost effective manor," Vescio said. "I think that's a key element. Hopefully it will continue."
In his last few months, Vescio hopes to update the village wetlands law and steep slopes law.
"We still have things to do," Vescio said.
Vescio said he hopes the village continues to operate in a non-partisan matter.
"We're not Democrats or Republicans," Vescio said. "Nobody has an agenda. Our agenda is to work in the best interest of the village."
The mayor said he looks forward to taking up hobbies, traveling and playing with his grandkids.
"I told the village that I'll be here for you," Vescio said. "I've been here for 40 years and I don't want to see the village deteriorate."
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