Fox Lane Coach Chris Violante Talks State of Team

BEDFORD, N.Y. – Fox Lane is the No. 2 seed in the Class AA tournament and will host the winner of the Suffern-Gorton matchup on Friday. Coach Chris Violante shared some thoughts about the postseason after last week’s game against Harrison.

Question: How do you think your team improved since the beginning of the season?

Answer: I think defensively we’ve gotten better. I think individually kids have gotten better and this has been a team from day one that has bought into the philosophy that I’m trying to implement. I think we were a family to start but I think we’re even closer now. So I think this is a group of kids that, you look from start to finish, we’ve gotten better on a lot of areas. I think our defense definitely continues to improve. And one thing that hasn’t changed is their effort in practice. This group comes every day to work, except one. And they know that day, but they’ve been excellent.

What would you say are your team’s biggest strengths?

I think we’re a family. I think the kids really like each other. They’re unselfish. Their will to win is off the charts. They don’t care about who’s scoring and who’s not scoring. Our biggest strength is chemistry. We have great team chemistry and I think any coach would probably say, besides talent, the most enjoyable thing as a coach is having a team with chemistry because you don’t have to deal with the headaches of ball hogs and ‘I want to run to the book and see what my points are.’ This team’s got great chemistry.

What are going to be the keys to success in the postseason?

We would love to get to the County Center, but…everyone’s good at this point, so one at a time. And obviously, being one and done is a lot of pressure. I think it’s just going to be our defense. If we defend and rebound the basketball, we’ll be okay. Offense is offense. You can’t really control that. You make shots. You miss shots. It happens. But defensively, you can work. You can be physical. You can do what you’ve been taught all year and you can have some success. And that’s really our goal is to play good defense every single day and every single possession, really.

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