“Not only does she understand the issues important to us, but she advocates clearly, consisely and with commitment. As a working mother and an attorney, she lives the same challenges we all face every day, and she will serve us well in the Legislature. I urge voters in District 2 to join me in supporting her candidacy with your votes this November.”
Astorino continued, “Too many in the Legislature are following the sad example of Washington today, where elected officials are more interested in scoring partisan points and racking up political favors. Andrea offers the people of her District a different kind of Legislator: one who will serve the towns and people she represents first and foremost, not down-county party bosses or political insiders.”
Rendo welcomed the County Executive’s public support. “I am honored to have County Executive Astorino’s endorsement; those of us who live in this District have benefitted greatly from his leadership. As your County Legislator I will make sure that trend continues by making our District a welcoming place for new jobs and businesses, keeping money in people’s wallets by streamlining our government, and standing up for our towns against intrusive Washington bureaucrats.” Expanding on her last point, Rendo added, “The 2009 Spano/Harckham housing settlement, passed by the Legislature with Peter Harckham's crucial vote, has had profound consequences for our communities. The Federal Government is unjustly accusing our towns of discrimination and segregation, and is now trying to dismantle local zoning laws and land use regulations protecting our neighborhoods and environment from overdevelopment. Meanwhile, Peter Harckham has stood mute, when not giving tacit approval. I promise the people of District 2: I will defend our neighborhoods from bureaucrats in Washington, DC.”
Rendo and Astorino will both appear on the Republican and Conservative ballot lines in November.