Mt. Kisco Theater Gets Ready for Harry Potter Fans

MT. KISCO, N.Y. -  It’s an event a decade in the making. The final installment of the Harry Potter movie franchise “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” will hit theaters Friday and crowds of all ages are expected to begin lining up for the midnight premiere late Thursday evening.

The staff at the Mt. Kisco Movie Theater has seen first-hand the Potter-mania at previous midnight showings and have already prepared for this one.

“We’ve already sold 125 tickets,” Tiffany Chacon, assistant manager of the theater said.

After selling so many tickets initially, the theater decided to open another theater making nearly 280 tickets available.

Chacon said that while five people are currently scheduled to work the show, she thinks more will be added to accommodate the crowds.

“We start getting people lining up at 10:00 with Harry Potter,” she said, adding   that mostly teenagers come to the midnight showing. “It’s the ones who have read books one through seven.”

Many of these die-hard fans dress up as their favorite characters from the books and movies.

To entertain everyone waiting in line, many usually for nearly two hours, the staff asks trivia questions and gives out prizes.

Despite the late hours and the sometimes impatient kids, Chacon said she enjoys working the Harry Potter premiers.

 “It’s pretty exciting. It’s nice to see all these kids excited for a movie, especially when ‘it all ends here’,” she said.

The Mt. Kisco Movie Theater has also teamed with Neighbors Link, a local charity organization, and is asking for donations of used and new children’s book.


Will you be at the Harry Potter midnight showing tonight?

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