Fairground Attraction Celebrates 20 Years

MOUNT KISCO, N.Y.—When Joan Marie Gonzales and her sister Nancy opened Fairground Attractions 20 years ago they never thought they’d get to the point where they are now.

“It started very small and modest,” Gonzales said. “I never thought that it was possible to still be here 20 years later.”

The shop has lasted these last two decades because of the Gonzales sister’s willingness to adapt to the changing business.

“The business has completely evolved. We followed the direction our customers wanted us to,” Gonzales said.

The sisters started making gifts and other handmade items nearly 24 years ago. After gaining success in that, they decided to open a small store that featured almost entirely handcrafted gifts and accessories. Today the shop has drifted away from handmade items.

“The store has a completely different look than it did 20 years ago, even five years ago,” Gonzales said.

Across from Fairground Attraction is Four Seasons Flower Shop which is also celebrating a milestone in business this year. The shop has been open and owned by Frank Yozzo for 45 years. Gonzales has a lot of respect for Yozzo and hopes that her own business will have the longevity that Four Seasons has seen.

“You never really know,” Gonzales said on where she sees the shop in the next five years. “I hope doing the same thing in a better economy. I have a feeling I will always be in retail.”

For now Gonzales is more than happy with a successful 20 years under her belt.


Do you think it’s impressive for a small business to stay open for 20 years given today’s economy?

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