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Support-a-walk Gives Help And Hope To Those With Breast And Ovarian Cancer

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. -- Walk towards a great cause at the Annual Support-A-Walk charity event for Breast and Ovarian Cancer, on Sunday, Oct. 2. Support Connection will hold their most important fundraiser at FDR State Park in Yorktown Heights this year.

During the Support-A-Walk, participants of all ages will complete a 3-mile walk, often in honor of loved ones, as a celebration of life and a tribute to those who are affected by breast and ovarian cancer. There is a Survivor’s Welcome Area where volunteers greet and welcome cancer survivors. Along the walk path, walkers are cheered on by local bands, cheerleaders and other community groups.

It’s easy to participate even if you can’t attend. Donations can be made by cash, check or online at the Support Connection website. Supporters can also raise funds by creating personal online fundraising pages to ask friends and family for donations. Messages of support, celebration or commemoration can be displayed along the path too, through the purchase of tribute signs for $50 each.

Proceeds from the Support-A-Walk provide funding for Support Connection’s year-round services, which have helped thousands of people affected by breast and ovarian cancer since the organization was founded. People travel from across the Hudson Valley and beyond to take part in this inspiring and uplifting community event which featured more than 9,000 participants in 2015.

Support Connection does not receive funds from any national cancer organizations including Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen, the Avon Walk or Making Strides. By participating in or donating to the Support-A-Walk, community members can make a positive difference in the lives of women and families facing the challenges of a breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis.

Support Connection, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Founded in 1996, they are based in Yorktown Heights and offer programs across the Hudson Valley, as well as nationwide toll-free services.

To learn more, donate, or create a fundraising page for the Support-A-Walk, click here or contact Support Connection at 914-962-6402 or

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Support Connection. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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