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NWH Dinner Symposium Addresses America's Growing Weight Problem

Across all ages, genders and ethnicities, the nationwide obesity rate continues to rise. 

According to recent studies, 40 percent of American women are obese, while 35 percent of males fall into the same category. While losing weight and staying healthy to prevent weight-related illnesses require the efforts of a dedicated patient, healthcare professionals also play an important role in tackling this national crisis.

That's why Northern Westchester Hospital is hosting a free dinner symposium on "Diabesity" for physicians and other medical professionals this September 20. Moderated by Dr. Mitchell Roslin, the evening will touch on a variety of weight-related subjects ranging from diabetes to surgery.

"The average American adult gains approximately a pound per year, while obese people tend to gain three to five pounds annually," said Roslin. "Rising levels of obesity are causing a national security issue [and] the economic burden for additional medical services and lost productivity is astronomical."

Of all weight-related illnesses, diabetes presents the biggest danger to those who are obese. Roslin and other medical professionals stress the importance of fending off the disease's development through a variety of preventative steps.

"The best management for type 2 diabetes is eating foods that do not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose and cause insulin surges," he said. Additionally, exercise and an active lifestyle reduce blood glucose levels. "In essence, many people have a predisposition for type 2 diabetes, but behavior is a key component to whether this becomes expressed or active," said Roslin. "The best treatment is a healthy lifestyle."

Throughout the evening, Northern Westchester Hospital doctors and invited national experts will speak to their fellow care providers with the goal of promoting awareness and understanding of this complex and growing problem. "We want to encourage doctors to treat obesity as an energy storage disease and provide real alternatives for more people," said Roslin. "We hope to stimulate a medical community that cares about wellness."

A major theme of the night will be unraveling the confusion of what is healthy to eat. To that end, Chef Patrick and the dietitians at NWH will be partnering to prepare a creative, enticing and healthy buffet that includes attractive desserts.

The CME Dinner Symposium will be held on September 20 from 6-9:30 p.m. at Tamarack Country Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. To register for the event, click here.