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Newport Academy Highlights Teen Drug Use On 'Today' Show

FAIRFIELD, Conn -- On a recent segment of the ‘Today’ show, correspondent Jenna Bush Hager spoke about the dangers of teen substance abuse with three Newport Academy alumni and Jamison Monroe, Jr., Newport Academy’s founder and CEO.

The show looked at how student-athletes can succumb to pressure by turning to drugs. According to Monroe and the experts at Newport Academy, a teen treatment center with campuses in Bethlehem and Darien, the pressure placed on teens can lead to sports injuries and the subsequent abuse of prescription narcotics.

The ‘Today’ show segment emphasized how the over-prescription of painkillers to teen athletes can create addiction. Bush Hager spoke with three student-athletes who explained how, although they loved to play sports, they found themselves unable to play through injuries without the help of narcotics. Consequently, this dependence began their addiction to drugs.

Despite being in the prime of their athletic careers, the teens turned from promising athletes to addicts after just their first prescription, they said. As the founder and CEO of the rehabilitation program, Monroe has seen many such cases. After enrolling in Newport Academy, these three teens and many others like them were able to address their challenges using constructive, drug-free methods, Monroe says.

At Newport Academy, the focus is on resolving the underlying issues driving teens to drug dependence. Counselors teach clients skills for building self-esteem and managing their emotions, so they don't resort or return to dangerous and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Newport Academy has several locations throughout the United States, including residential programs, recovery day schools and outpatient programs for mental health and substance abuse. For more information or to find a campus near you, click here.

To watch the full 'Today' show video, click here. 

This article is part of a paid Content Partnership with the advertiser, Newport Academy. Daily Voice has no involvement in the writing of the article and the statements and opinions contained in it are solely those of the advertiser.

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