University of Wisconsin student charged with having Wyckoff girl, 9, masturbate on camera

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: Detectives from Bergen County went west to arrest a 21-year-old University of Wisconsin student who they said used an online site and texts to get a 9-year-old Wyckoff girl to take pictures of herself masturbating.

Photo Credit: Bergen County Prosecutor

Frederick J. Meyer Jr. (MUGSHOT: Bergen County Prosecutor)

Frederick J. Meyer Jr., of Cascade, Wisconsin, is being held in the Sheboygan County Detention Center pending extradition to New Jersey, where bail was set at $150,000 bail.

He is charged with aggravated sexual assault, child endangerment and manufacturing child pornography.

Meyer met the girl through an online gaming site, Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli said. He didn’t say how investigators found out about their correspondence.

Detectives from his office and Wyckoff arrested Meyer in Wisconsin yesterday afternoon, he said.

The prosecutor credited Wyckoff police and investigators from his Special Victims Unit and thanked the Plymouth (WI) Police Department, the Sheboygan (WI) County Sheriff’s Office, and The Wisconsin Department of Justice, Criminal Investigation Division for their assistance with the investigation and arrest.

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