Be alert when a stranger knocks, police chief warns

PUBLIC SAFETY: A Wyckoff woman who ignored her doorbell heard another sound soon after — someone smashing her back window.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot File Photo

The resident told police a man ran her bell around 2:15 in the afternoon last Friday, Police Chief Benjamin Fox said.

“She chose not to answer the door,” he said.

Hearing the woman inside the Godwin Avenue home, the would-be intruder fled in a two-door black Honda that she said he’d parked in her driveway, the chief said.

Wyckoff officers and their colleagues from surrounding towns searched in vain for the vehicle.

“This is a typical method for burglars,” Fox said. “They ring your doorbell to ascertain whether anyone is at home.

“If nobody answers the door, they break in. If you do answer the door, they will pretend to be lost, looking for a certain street, or perhaps make up a last name and ask if you know that person on the street.

“A resident who encounters someone at their door asking such questions should contact police immediately so that we can investigate that individual.”

Also call police, the chief said, if anyone suspicious shows up at your home or in the neighborhood.

Police don’t mind the calls, he said. That’s what they’re there for.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: If you have elderly parents who live alone, discuss this with them. Be sure they understand what they need to do to protect themselves and their property.)

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