
Shraalenburg Road, Closter, NJ

Closter PD: Two Stolen Car Pursuits End In Crashes, Unlocked Vehicles Swiped Left And Right Closter PD: Two Stolen Car Pursuits End In Crashes, Unlocked Vehicles Swiped Left And Right
Closter PD: Two Stolen Car Pursuits End In Crashes, Unlocked Vehicles Swiped Left And Right Plagued by a skyrocketing number of vehicle thefts, Closter police have recently had two pursuits, both of which ended in crashes while fielding several reports of cars stolen from outside borough residents’ homes. As always, the stolen cars were left unlocked with key fobs inside, authorities said. “It is becoming increasingly more dangerous for the Closter Police and the residents of Closter every time a vehicle is stolen or these individuals come to Closter in attempt to steal another vehicle,” Detective Sgt. Vincent Aiello said. “Many of these incidents involve gang activity.” Shortly …