The real ‘junk’ is the TSA itself

EDITORIAL: How dare they? The boy in the video could be my son. And yet agents and passengers stand by while a youngster is basically felt up.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot
Photo Credit: YouTube

From YouTube video (BELOW)

I demand to know how President Obama or any of his security-assigned minions allows this to happen.

How is it that Obama consents to a flat choice of either a hands-on body search — which even pilots have compared to being molested — or posing for a naked picture?

Oh, that’s right: His girls aren’t molested every time they board Air Force One.

Had the tub stackers been able to use aggressive frisking and electronic oogling last Christmas, Obama says, they could have stopped al-Qaeda terrorist Faoruk Abdummutallab from trying to blow up a jetliner with a bomb sewn into his underwear.

“In the aftermath of the Christmas Day bombing, our TSA personnel are probably under enormous pressure to make sure that you don’t have somebody slipping on a plane without some sort of explosive device on their persons,” the president said, in an unwitting missstatement during a NATO news conference this weekend in Lisbon, Portugal.

“TSA, in consultation with our counter-terrorism experts, have indicated to me that the procedures that they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective,” he said.

Jerry DeMarco (Publisher/Editor)

So, Mr. President: Is it that you can’t see how knee-jerk and dog-and-pony-show-styled this all is? Or are you in on the deal?

These are the ONLY procedures that your experts consider effective, and you buy it? Why don’t you say, “Sorry, that’s not good enough”? Or: “Let’s try something we haven’t done before: Be pro-active”?

Think about it:

Result of 9/11: No more knives or sharp objects in carry-on.

Result of shoe bomber
: Take off your shoes going through security.

Results of liquid bomb at Heathrow
: Tiny bottles, sealed in Baggies.

Tiny whities bomber
: Get felt up or turned into a porn model.

What are they going to do if our next terrorist is a suppository bomber?

Here’s the vile, disgusting video:

Columnist Vicki Polin has written on CLIFFVIEW PILOT about El Al, the Israeli airline, which doesn’t snatch water bottles, grope kids or produce nude X-rays, yet somehow has what may be the tight security system in the world, thanks to unabashed profiling, behavior surveillance and mini-interviews with passengers.

El Al’s premise is simple: Undies don’t kill. People do. And the way to head off people is with intelligence — as in: information.

We can’t profile because it’s unconstitutional, but we can bag the constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. Is that the deal?

In the end, “tase me, man” has been replaced by “don’t touch my junk.” Individual anecdotes are popping up — like the bladder cancer survivor who said he was left covered in his own urine, humiliated, after a TSA officer who patted him down broke the seal on his urostomy bag. Or the woman with the prosthetic breast.

We also get TSA officials warning us that any “would-be commercial airline passenger who enters an airport checkpoint but refuses to undergo the method of inspection as prescribed by the TSA workers on duty would not be allowed to fly,” and, on top of that, a”would not be permitted to leave the airport.”

So now they’re adding false imprisonment to the list.

But there’s more: Refuse and you’ll be fined a whopping $11,000.

This is the best our government can do? Our leaders won’t even tell us how intensely the screeners are screened before they get their jobs. And then they allow these people to touch our children?

Perhaps they want the stories to spread, so that more people use the scanners. After all, former Homeland Security czar Michael Chertoff’s company has a $165 million federal contract to produce some of the scanners. Perhaps they take their cue from the countless travelers who quietly move about, not raising a stink, making talk of a longed-for insurrection plain silly.

I don’t know about you, but I’m amazed that something so simple can divide a nation, filling some with overplayed fear or indignation, making some act timid and others foolish. Our government has taken full advantage of the situation, putting our money into equipment and primitive procedures instead of into “intelligence.”

In the end, Osama Bin Laden and Co. have copped another victory, getting their U.S. federale enemies to do what only American government can do: Take a bad idea to begin with and make it even shittier.

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