
Naughtright Road, Long Valley, NJ

WATCH: Video Shows Dozens Of Cows Bolting Across Road After Escaping Morris County Farm WATCH: Video Shows Dozens Of Cows Bolting Across Road After Escaping Morris County Farm
Watch: Video Shows Dozens Of Cows Bolting Across Road After Escaping Morris County Farm A Morris County resident captured the surprising and moo-filled moment a large family of cows escaped from a local farm and made their way across the street nearby. The video was taken by Laura Fagen of Long Valley, who says the cows escaped from Totten Family Farm shortly after 8:30 a.m. Thursday. A chorus of moos is heard as the cows are seen wandering — slowly, at first, then picking up speed — away from their farm and across Naughtright Road toward Jackie Drive. It was not clear how the cows escaped — but they were quickly herded back to the farm, a representative told Daily Voice. …