DV Decision: Stop The Politicking And Talk Issues, Say Voters

PASSAIC COUNTY, N.J. -- Less than two weeks before Election Day 2016 and Daily Voice readers say they'd rather Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump focus less on themselves -- and more on the issues.

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Tell us your thoughts in our DV Decision series.

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The economy ranked among voters' biggest concerns -- 29 percent say it should be addressed more -- while 23 percent would like to see Clinton and Trump talk more about national security. Trailing behind at 11 percent: Social security and, at 8 percent, immigration.

Wrote one reader: "Many American citizens are overwhelmed with the incredible amount of illegal foreigners and foreigners in general who walk among us and can't speak or understand the English language. Does anyone feel this is wrong that the American citizen has become a stranger in his own land?"

Other issues weighing heavy on the minds of voters: Gun control, jobs, the Supreme Court justice nomination, and climate change.

Anything -- wrote one voter -- but hearing more about the candidate's personal lives.

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