
Sewaren dog park

'Dog Breeders' Snatch French Bulldog From Central Jersey Man 'Dog Breeders' Snatch French Bulldog From Central Jersey Man
'Dog Breeders' Snatch French Bulldog From Central Jersey Man A group of men purporting to be dog breeders stole a 5-month-old French bulldog in Central Jersey, authorities said. A 22-year-old Woodbridge man arranged to meet the "breeders" at a Sewaren dog park so their bulldogs could play, a police spokesman said. Another man suggested they go to his mother’s nearby Fox Hill Run apartments to pick up more dogs to play, according to Woodbridge Chief Law Enforcement Officer Bob Brady.  When the owner walked away briefly, his dog, Enzo, was snatched, Brady said.The thieves drove away in an SUV at about 4:15 p.m. on Friday, May 5. The stolen bulld…