Go to: Moonachie — Hurricane Relief Fund
The Center for Food Action is seeking both donations and volunteers for mobile storm relief to Moonachie, Little Ferry and other areas hit hard by Hurricane Sandy. READ MORE….
Moonachie – Hurricane Relief Fund
Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund
New Jersey’s First Lady, Mary Pat Christie, has organized a special fund to “aid, comfort, and rebuild” the state. The Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund is “the main home for people helping New Jerseyans,” Gov. Christie said. At the same time, various local organizations are collecting food, clothing and other household items for those in need. Some are listed here.
Hess Oil made the initial contribution — $2.5 million, he said.
“John Hess is a New Jerseyan. He’s someone who cares about this state,” the governor said.
The fund then collected more than $100,000 in under eight hours Sunday and more than $300,000 was raised through individual contributions in just over 24 hours.
Officially, the Hurricane Sandy NJ Relief Fund is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization chaired by First Lady Mary Pat Christie to help New Jersey communities rebuild and aide in the recovery effort of Hurricane Sandy.
To volunteer or to donate food/clothing, call the state hotline at 1-800-Jersey-7.
For more information, or to make a donation, click the photo here:
(If you know of an event that isn’t included, click the NEWS TIPS icon, top right of this page, and let us know. We’ll get the word out):
The American Red Cross: Online, text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to give $10, or call 1-800-REDCROSS (733-2767), or mail checks to American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey, 209 Fairfield Rd., Fairfield, NJ 07004.
Salvation Army: Online, text “SANDY” to 80888 to give $10, or call 800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769).
Compassion Fund at Bergen County’s United Way: Online or by mail to Bergen County’s United Way, 6 Forest Ave., Paramus, NJ 07652.
United Way: Text RECOVERY to 52000 to make a $10 donation. Or go to UnitedWay.org
Community Food Bank of New Jersey: Online or by texting FEEDNJ to 80888 to give $10, or call 908-355-3663 , ext. 243. Donations of canned tuna, soup, fruit and vegetables; meals in a can; peanut butter, shelf-stable milk, cereal, baby food in non-glass jars and diapers can be dropped off at Food Bank offices at 31 Evans Terminal in Hillside and 6735 Black Horse Turnpike in Egg Harbor Township. Volunteers can sign up on the food bank’s website.
Volunteer Center of Bergen County: You can register by “liking”: facebook.com/bergenvolunteers and click the “Like” button. You’ll get updates when volunteer opportunities are needed. Or register under “Superstorm Sandy.”
Roman Catholic Dioceses of Bergen and Passaic counties: All parishes plan hurricane relief services this weekend.
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey: To donate or volunteer: jfnnj.org. Dropoff sites for food and other necessities (through Nov. 15):
JFNNJ Offices, 50 Eisenhower Drive, Paramus; Bergen County YJCC, 605 Pascack Rd., Washington Township;
Kaplan JCC on the Palisades, 411 East Clinton Ave., Tenafly;
Jewish Home at Rockleigh, 10 Link Drive;
Wayne Y, One Pike Drive
CLIFFVIEW PILOT photo by Doreen Dany
River Vale
River Vale Country Club is accepting donations of non-perishable food, batteries, flashlights, cleaning supplies, baby items, socks and other items (no clothing, please). Dropoff is inside.
INFO: 201-391-2300 (ask for Christine)
East Rutherford
In East Rutherford on Saturday
The East Rutherford Education Association is taking donations of school supplies for teachers and students of the Robert L Craig School in Moonachie.
Their classes are being held at various other schools in the area for the next month and will then be housed in 30+ trailers for the remainder of this school year.
Please consider a donation of any type of classroom supplies. Staplers, copy paper reams, marble notebooks, markers, folders, glue (sticks and bottles), teaching supplies, bulletin board decorations — anything in a school environment but more then just the “back to school supplies.” Gift cards to Lakeshore or Bosland’s are great.
Dropoff is at Wallington Self Storage on Paterson Ave in Wallington or Mckenzie School in East Rutherford (once school resumes).
Supplies will be collected at both locations for the entire month of November and will be distributed to the Moonachie School system once their temporary trailers arrive.
(201) 842-0830
OR: (201) 6944054
The New Jersey State PBA is staging a collection drive to assist PBA members throughout New Jersey who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.
“As many of our members were out doing their jobs, assisting others during this hurricane, many came home to find great damage and loss where they live (or once lived),” said Mahwah Police Officer Mike Grassi, a member of PBA Local 143.
Items will be collected for deliver early Saturday to the state PBA in Woodbridge.
DROPOFF: Mahwah Police Station, 221 Franklin Turnpike
OR: Ridgewood Moving Services, 575 Corporate Drive, Suite 405, from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Any other business that wants to participate is asked to call Grassi: (201) 831-2016
1. Canned goods (non-perishable), Boxed cereals, cookies, etc.
2. Soap
3. Water
4. Kids/Baby Clothing
5. Shampoo
6. Toilet Paper/Toothbrushes/Toothpaste, etc.
7. Batteries/Flashlights
8. Socks/Underwear (men’s and women’s)
9. Sweatshirts/Pants/Thermals
10. Linens/Blankets
11. Razors/ Shaving Cream
12. Diapers (Baby and Adult)
**In addition if anyone has any other items not listed that they believe would aid those affected, please feel free to drop them off, as well.
MORE INFO: Call Grassi
The NJ State PBA also has set up a relief account under its NJSPBA Survivor & Welfare Fund, a 501(c)3 charity.
NJSPBA “Sandy Relief”
c/o PBA Office
158 Main St.
Woodbridge, NJ
Fair Lawn
The Fair Lawn Rescue Squad is assisting Fair Lawn resident Wendy Steinberg in assembling donations for local and South Jersey residents in need of supplies.
Any new unopened supplies that could be used by those affected will be accepted at Fair Lawn Rescue headquarters, 16-01 Romaine St. (next to the Fair Lawn High School rear parking lot).
STNBWEN@aol.com (Wendy Steinbergor)
AFLAX@fairlawnpd.com (Andrew Flax)
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