FBI says ‘Eminem’ bank robber threatened to ‘shoot the first person I see’

YOU READ IT HERE FIRST: “Give me all the money or I’ll shoot the first person I see,” the man once known as “the Eminem robber” wrote on a note he passed during a holdup Tuesday in Rutherford, an FBI agent wrote in a complaint that will be entered into the record when the defendant is brought into federal court in Newark this afternoon.

Photo Credit: Cliffview Pilot File Photo

Michael Hasuga, 54, recently of Bloomfield, was arrested by Rutherford police who chased him after he fled the Wells Fargo branch on Sylvan Street with $710, the complaint says.

Moments earlier, it says, Hasuga (mugshot, above) passed the handwritten note while wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, sunglasses, and clear surgical gloves.

A bystander ran out of the bank, screaming that there’d been a holdup. Two other civilians told Rutherford police they’d seen the robber take off in a white Chevy Suburban with New Jersey license plate T49AEZ.

  • EXCLUSIVE: From out of the recent criminal past, the bank-robbing heroin addict who became known as the “Eminem robber” was caught again, this time after Rutherford police said he knocked over the local Wells Fargo branch. READ MORE….

Moments later, Rutherford officers saw the Chevy heading west on Route 3 and then onto Route 21. They pulled over Hasuga, who they said didn’t resist.

Inside the car, they found the cash, sunglasses and gloves, the FBI complaint says.

U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman credited the Rutherford Police Department and FBI with making the case, which is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney David M. Eskew of the U.S. Attorney’s Office General Crimes Unit in Newark.

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