
Upper Saddle River PBA Local #218

11 Years Running: Upper Saddle River PBA Fills Christmas Wish Lists For Needy Children 11 Years Running: Upper Saddle River PBA Fills Christmas Wish Lists For Needy Children
11 Years Running: Upper Saddle River PBA Fills Christmas Wish Lists For Needy Children For the 11th consecutive year, members of Upper Saddle River PBA Local #218 participated in CUMAC’s Christmas Wish-List program for needy youngsters. CUMAC, located in Paterson, is a non-for-profit dedicated to alleviating hunger in Passaic County and throughout New Jersey. PBA Local #218 received 20 holiday wishes from needy children of all ages -- for toys, books, jackets, diapers and more. There’s still time to contribute or volunteer. Go to: www.cumac.org or call (973) 742-5518.