
Frank 'Nitty' Molina

No More Pretty Pink Weights: Bergen County Mom Empowers With 'Ugly Lifting Face' No More Pretty Pink Weights: Bergen County Mom Empowers With 'Ugly Lifting Face'
No More Pretty Pink Weights: Bergen County Mom Empowers With 'Ugly Lifting Face' Miriam Levitansky isn't acting. The grunting, the sweat and the ugly lifting faces you see on her Instagram page are completely authentic. That's how the Teaneck mom wants it to be: Raw and real. "I don’t try to make lifting look like it’s something you can do while you’re trying to look pretty," said Levitansky, 34. "It’s hard work and I’m not going to try to cover that up or disguise it." xMiriam Levitansky shrugsMiriam Lev The mom of three created her Instagram account in 2015, right after becoming a NASM-certified personal trainer, and has amounted more than 10,000 followers. S…