It's no secret that the end of the month is when car dealers close the majority of their business. Ad spots and big sticker rebates innundate radio, print and television last weeks of a month after being all but invisible the previous weeks. However, what most consumers don’t realize that there is a very important component to reaching the goal that manufactures set for the month, known to dealers as a "Fast-start”.
A fast start program usually means that the dealer has a short-term objective to reach in the first weeks of the month in order to qualify for the substantial monthly bonus at the end. Therefore, the dealer that has this objective program in his sights will want to hit his fast-start objective, so he has additional pressure to log substantial sales in the early part of the month. While not all dealers have these bonus opportunities from their manufacturer, every dealer needs to have sales early in the month to take the pressure off the final weeks.
As a consumer, you also received better service in the early part of the month when the floor traffic is lighter. As a result, the sales staff and the prep staff will have more time to spend on you and your automobile. The attention to detail to when having your new vehicle cleaned and prepped on a day when 3 or 4 vehicles are scheduled for delivery is much greater than on a day at the end of the month when the dealership is processing 12 to 15 of the same car.
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