
Thomas J. Gallagher

PHOTOS: Pink Heals Crew Surprises Cancer-Fighting Ridgefield Mom PHOTOS: Pink Heals Crew Surprises Cancer-Fighting Ridgefield Mom
Photos: Pink Heals Crew Surprises Cancer-Fighting Ridgefield Mom RIDGEFIELD, N.J. -- After they helped extinguish an Easter Sunday blaze in Ridgefield, firefighting members of Pink Heals Bergen County discovered that the homeowner was waging her own battle -- against breast cancer. So this Sunday they returned for a very different type of visit. AnnMarie Carrier “was truly surprised” when Pink Heals members united with Ridgefield firefighters to come by with flowers and heartfelt support, said her daughter, Danielle. “AnnMarie is one the sweetest people we’ve ever met and her entire family blew us away with their kindness and warmth,” Pink Heals organiz…