
Robert Flannelly

VIDEO: Rochelle Park Police Brothers Take 80 Years Experience Into Retirement VIDEO: Rochelle Park Police Brothers Take 80 Years Experience Into Retirement
Video: Rochelle Park Police Brothers Take 80 Years Experience Into Retirement CLAPOUT: One thing the coronavirus can’t prevent is the clap-out for retiring police veterans like the one held Friday for Rochelle Park Chief Robert Flannelly and his brother, Capt. William Flannelly. Fellow department members, other emergency responders, current and retired chiefs from other towns and borough well wishers wore masks and social distanced during a rousing sendoff outside headquarters for the brothers, who have a combined 80 years of police experience between them. Incoming Police Chief Dean Pinto had plaques made and Blue Line watches customized for the occasion. The local…
Bergen Judge Nixes Sex-Discrimination Suit Filed By Retired Rochelle Park Police Officer Bergen Judge Nixes Sex-Discrimination Suit Filed By Retired Rochelle Park Police Officer
Bergen Judge Nixes Sex-Discrimination Suit Filed By Retired Rochelle Park Police Officer A judge in Hackensack on Tuesday dismissed a gender-discrimination complaint filed by a retired Rochelle Park police officer. Donna Porcaro sued the township, the police department and Police Chief Robert Flannelly two years ago, claiming that she was denied opportunities that her male co-workers got and was the victim of harassment and inappropriate comments in a hostile work environment. She reportedly had been seeking $2.5 million. “I'm just glad after 41 years of as a police officer my name and reputation remains honorable,” Flannelly said after Superior Court Judge Mary F. Thurber tos…
Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police
Undercover Crossers: That Pedestrian You Don’t Stop For In Rochelle Park Could Be Police Rochelle Park police aim to reduce the number of pedestrians struck by vehicles by crossing busy streets themselves – in plain clothes. The undercover street-crossers aren't looking only for motorists who fail to yield during the 60-day educational campaign that began on Wednesday. They’re also targeting jaywalkers and pedestrians who don’t cross streets safely – while also enforcing bicycle helmet safety. “Regrettably, since January 2019, Rochelle Park has experienced several serious collisions involving pedestrians,” Police Chief Robert Flannelly said. In one instance, an SUV struck an…