Old Tappan Trainers Unite For High Intensity Interval Bootcamp

OLD TAPPAN, N.J.– Two trainers are better than one at Fit Bodies Boot Camp in Old Tappan.

A Fit Bodies Bootcamp athlete takes a break in between sets.

A Fit Bodies Bootcamp athlete takes a break in between sets.

Photo Credit: Facebook
Jim Romeo of Cresskill and Bonnie Chahalis of Old Tappan.

Jim Romeo of Cresskill and Bonnie Chahalis of Old Tappan.

Photo Credit: Anthony Locicero

Friends and personal trainers Jim Romeo and Bonnie Chahalis have teamed up to offer 30-minute, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to 22-to-55-year-old women seeking to lose weight and tone up.

“It's been a great decision,” said Romeo of Cresskill, who began offering baseball lessons for Chahalis’ sons 11 years ago. “We have the most amazing clients and we are thrilled to come to work every day.”

HIIT combines strength and cardiovascular training, Romeo said. Both he and Chahalis of Old Tappan work with the clients simultaneously during each workout.

“By teaming up, we are able to give personal attention to each of our clients every day,” Romeo said. “We are on the floor motivating them, correcting their form, and modifying exercises for those who need it.”

Fit Bodies’ New Years Challenge had over 50 participants, who all lost weight and inches, Romeo said. The next challenge is set for Feb. 29.

To avoid monotony and keep clients from hitting a plateau, each work out is different.

“We keep them fun and challenging,” said Romeo. “We enjoy teaching our clients how to get into better shape and we love watching them progress and reach goals they have set for themselves.”

The duo also offers diet and nutritional advice, “to ensure that our clients eat right and make healthy food choice,” said Romeo, adding that Fit Bodies conducts weekly weigh-ins and body measurements.

The owners are pleased with the quick success. In over three months, the clients have lost nearly a combined 500 pounds, Romeo said.

“We are changing people’s lives, making them feel better and helping them get healthier,” he said.

Fit Bodies offers monthly memberships and 4- and 6-week body transformation challenges.

“These challenges are a great way for clients to start a sound weight loss and fitness program,” Romeo said. “We help our clients lose as much weight as possible by tracking their diets and workouts each week.”

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