
Crossing Guards

Treacherous Mahwah School Crossing Gets More Attention After Another Near-Miss Treacherous Mahwah School Crossing Gets More Attention After Another Near-Miss
Treacherous Mahwah School Crossing Gets More Attention After Another Near-Miss A crossing guard was leading Nick LaBate’s 6-year-old daughter and her mom across a busy Mahwah street to the youngster’s school bus stop when an SUV came roaring by – not slowing or stopping, just missing them all by a whisker, as the terrified mother yanked the little girl back. LaBate’s ex-wife “was so upset by what might have happened but for a matter of inches that she was in tears,” LaBate said. For those who live nearby, the street doesn’t have to be named: They know the perils of the stretch of Ramapo Valley Road (aka Route 202) near Island Road all too well. Although the number of…